Wonder and Dream

Even though I am no longer a classroom teacher, August often fills me with wonder – awe, amazement and curiosity.It’s like the last flavor of summer. A friend said to me once, that June was like Friday night, July was Saturday and August was Sunday. I am to...

5 Questions to Spur Your Interests Forward

As I worked on becoming more hopeful and healthier and thought about my own passions, I began to peel back the layers of who I am as a person.  Who is the Nancy that God has made me?  What am I interested in?  How do I dig down to find out my own personal interests,...

Wonder for the New Year!

  The first day of the new year fills me with wonder – awe, amazement and curiosity.  It’s like cracking open the first page of a new journal.  Blank pages to fill with hope, ideas, possibilities. How do you approach the new year?  In Henriette Anne Klauser’s...