Rewire Your Brain! Break a Habit!

By now, I hope you are recognizing the mind chatter going on in your head. What are you saying to yourself?  Is it judging or is it in a learning framework? For me, when I am taking a risk or in an unfamiliar situation, I am surprised how quickly those thoughts of,...

How Noisy is Your “Mind Chatter”?

When you stop to listen to the chatter running through your mind, how noisy is it?  “I have so much on my to do list, I don’t know …..  I am too busy.  Why can’t I get things done? I can’t do anything …… “ How distracting and draining is it? If you recognize any of...

Let Summer Fun Begin!

Summers growing up on the farm seemed to last forever.  I remember my summer fun at catching fireflies in a jar, riding my bike to the creek, playing on the front porch with my dogs and feeling carefree.  Summer fun for my grandchildren look different in that they...