by NBBAuthoR | Jun 22, 2017 | Social, Vision
You have your essential questions; you have chosen your summer activities. You have a summertime vision of what you would like this summer to be like. All of a sudden, it is the end of June, and you feel like nothing has happened, or the opposite is true – too much...
by NBBAuthoR | May 22, 2017 | Social, Vision
How many of you have a joyful life vision in front of you today? I believe with your vision in place, you can live a joyful life, regardless of your circumstances. Is that the life you are currently living? If not, what changes do you want to make? You have...
by NBBAuthoR | Jul 9, 2015 | Social, Wellbeing
Have you experienced hitting a brick wall in your life? You are going, going going, something happens and all of a sudden, boom! You can’t go any further. I have and in doing so, I began a quest for finding my true passion in life. Passion comes often out of...