I have had the opportunity this last week to talk to several people about prayer.  One of the frustrations that several have shared is the challenge of getting to the quiet to pray- the issue of focus when the world is so noisy and distracting right now.  How do we get to the quiet of our hearts when we are so distracted?

Quiet of Place

First getting to the quiet of place.  Finding a quiet place, especially working at home or having children working at home may be a challenge. Where in your home or nearby can be a quiet place in which to sit or walk so that you can talk to God in prayer?  Begin to ponder what you might want to say to him, once you find a quiet place.  Make it your aim to discover a quiet place – even if it is locked in your bathroom or clothes closet for 10 minutes.

Quiet of Focus

Once you get to your quiet place, can you now let go of what’s been cluttering your mind?  Take a few minutes to focus on what God might want to say to you this day. Even ask Him directly.  “What do you have for me today?

Getting quiet each day is like gathering manna.  When the Israelites were wandering the desert for 40 years, each morning they would go out to gather manna, their food supply, for only that day.  If they tried to gather more, it got moldy.  God provided, just what they needed for that day.

God has the right words for us for each day, no more, no less.  Paul writes it this way in Philippians 4:8-9 NLT,

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.

So as we focus on His words for the day, He provides the peace, the manna, that we need for our day.

Quiet of Heart

Each day’s manna gives us the focus we need as we listen to God through the scriptures.  Like the words of Paul who tells us to fix and focus our thoughts, we will find that the focus will quiet our hearts.

For me, quiet is a challenge. I want to be doing, helping, making things better.  God continually reminds me that He has control of things.  I don’t have to strive.  My job is to focus on Him, take deep breaths and follow His lead, not run out in front of Him.

One night this week I couldn’t sleep.  I finally got up to journal.  As I was journaling, He asked, “Don’t you trust me?”

I do trust you, Lord.  Help my unbelief.  After that prayer, several pieces of understanding seem to fall into place.  As a favorite author of mine, Shae Bynes, in her book, Grace over Grind for business leaders says,

Let His grace lead over grind.”

What about you?

What do you need to get quiet?  Which of the above is most challenging for you?  God wants an encounter with you.  I think we all need to be still and know that He is God.  How will you find your “manna” each day?

Reply to this blog and let me know your collection of manna process for each day.  I want to know how you find your quiet.


Nancy Booth is a spiritual director and author who believes prayer encounters with God can help everyone change their world.  She is the founder of My Sacred Moments – Encounters with God that help everyone hear God through conversational prayer practices.  She writes helpful and inspirational posts about prayer and encountering God in daily life. She would love to pray with and for you as well as walk beside you as you seek to encounter God.  Contact her today.