But you, who are devoted to being with God and searching for God, be strong and do not lose courage because your actions will reap rewards.           2 Chronicles 15:7 The Voice

How are you holding up in times like we are currently living in? How long has it been since you’ve been out of your home freely? Social distancing and sheltering in place have certainly impacted our lives in our efforts to stay safe and keep others safe. The other day, I was able to pick up my groceries and prescriptions as well as drop off a package at UPS, all without leaving my car!   I have heard  this time described as weird, strange, hard, sad and challenging, to say the least.

Sometimes, I think, we feel powerless and out of control.  It feels like there is nothing that any of us can do to make a difference to help others.  We want to help hurting people yet find it challenging because of social distancing.  Yet as we seek out our faith, we can look to God for strength and courage.  We ask for wisdom for actions we might take.  He can show us our own circle of influence, whether it be ourselves, family, neighbors, community or the world at large.

Where is God? 

God is still with us, no matter the circumstances around us.  I, for one, am grateful that I can still cry out to God, whether I am crying or singing praises. I think this pandemic has magnified all my emotions and probably yours, too. However, I need to still be honest with Him and keep a running account of how I am actually feeling and what I am thinking.  What has changed for you?  What has stayed the same?  What are you learning?

God says when we are devoted and searching for Him, we can be strong and courageous. No matter what we are facing, in the long run, the actions we take now can reap rewards. Think of our actions now like a ripple on a pond, making wider and wider circles of influence for good.

If we first listen for His whispers of love and direction, then we have direction to move forward with courage and strength because we know He is with us.

How does searching for Him help you gain courage and strength?

Searching for Him  through a simple scriptural prayer from Proverbs 3:5-6 can boost your courage and strength. His word is alive and active.  As you pray, listening for His answers from scripture, you don’t have depend on your own ideas..  You build trust and understanding in Him.

Like in the parable of the lost coin, the widow was thrilled when she found the coin.  You are thrilled when He provides the understanding from His word you are seeking.  This understanding is your basis for courage and strength and moving forward.  Feel free to experiment with other passages of scripture as well.

Note:  this is not a one and done prayer, but one you come back to continually.  You may find God emphasizing one part of the prayer one time. The next time you pray, another part is emphasized. Repetition is a good thing when coming before the Lord.  Devoted means focused and searching may take awhile.

Take a deep breath and get settled.


I trust in you.  I don’t want to lean on my own understanding. 

(spell out what you don’t understand)

In all my ways, I will acknowledge You

(tell Him all the ways you think you might want to go)

You will then direct my path.  

(sit and listen for what thoughts He places in your mind.)

I thank you that I can gain courage and strength when I search for you.


Once you are assured you are on the right path (which may even mean waiting), you can take the next step and move into action.  What  group of people, like your family, friends, neighbors or church.are you called to serve?

What might that action look like?

That action might look like praying for others, texting them, calling them on the phone or even writing them a short note.  For our family, we are getting together online once a week.  For Easter we are eating brunch at the same time, while online together.

Being brave and courageous with your church or neighborhood might mean offering to help your pastor or staff with something or pick up groceries for a neighbor.  I don’t know what brave and courageous might look like for you, but as you talk things over with God, He will give you ideas.

What will you do as you search for God to gain courage and strength and serve others?

Being devoted or focused on God at this time gives the courage and strength you may be seeking.  From strengthening your inner core, to serving those near to you, to moving out to the outside world, even if it is online, your actions will make a difference.

Let’s start a chain reaction.  Post your actions on My Sacred Moments facebook page so we can encourage one another.

The time is now to move courageously into what God is calling you to be and do for such a time as this.

Nancy Booth wants to create safe spaces for you, helping you find ways to have two-way conversations with God.  She loves encouraging you to look for ways He is at work. Nancy is a spiritual director and writer.  She would love to accompany you on your journey of discovery to hear and see more of the God who delights in you.  Peace, hope and freedom could be yours Contact her today..